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Boxing Training = Business Growth

The lessons learned in the ring transcend it. Perseverance, Composure, Generalship, Discipline, Strategy, and Tactics are just a few skills building growth not only as boxer, but growth in business efforts.

The courage to walk through the doors of a boxing gym for the first time, going against the initial notion of fear, will be a constant trend in day to day life. You'll notice things that used to scare you before in the business world, DON'T anymore. That confidence boost allows you to engage in new ideas/behaviors, propelling you to new business heights.

Discipline is a MUST in boxing training and that is easy to correlate to business, but few realize what that discipline really is. It is doing the SAME simple things, over and over again, doing them right so often that you can't do them wrong. When you are BRILLIANT in the BASICS you'll find the score takes care of itself. Having the composure to throw the 10,000th jab the same proper way as the first, turns into the composure to follow a corporate strategy without deviation trusting the process.

In business there are highs and lows, just like in the ring. Sometimes you get hit with a lucky punch no matter how perfect you train or perform, you eventually get caught. Having the heart to pull yourself up off the canvas to go another round, becomes the heart to continue after a failed business strategy, bad performance month, or even a bad hour in a day.

"The only thing square in boxing is the ring", is a common phrase that gets circulated in boxing talk. Put that to business, you can plan everything from start to finish, and still fail. Being able to adapt mid-fight or after a loss is paramount to continued success and another skill learned in the "Hurt Business".

Cruiserweight Title Fight
Brian "The Bull" Holstein

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